This is not completely comprehensive, specifically (and most noticeably) it is missing arms and hands. Also, there's no top/bottom view so you can't see the shell/wall thickness. BUT, this should be sufficient for any type of profile/modeling job right up until the arms. The issue with the arms is that there are all sorts of lofts and things that I haven't had the time to mess with yet. I will though, no worries, the dwgs will just be much uglier.
Enjoy! Share with your friends, I'm pretty sure these are the only LEGO minifigs on the entire Internet. Woo-hoo for monopolizing!

How did you measure? What's the level of uncertainty?
plus or minus .01 mm, but the fillets are guessed.
it's pretty good!! :-). don't u have any software like Pro/Engineer to design it?
thanks for this :)
did you ever get to the hands?
Fantastic! My son is messing around with Google Sketchup and wanted to 3D a minifig. This will help. Are you familiar with Sketchup?
What's the precise total height of the mini?
Thanks! You were the first link that popped up for Lego man dimensions - you just shaved good time off this painting I'm making :)
Apparently, this is taken directly from the patent:
Cheers buddy, I used your dimensions and created this. You were VERY helpful
What is the 0.90 on his head for? Is that for the measurement of hats put on a minifig?
Could you please finish the figure plan? This is perfect till now, i would just ask for the shell and thickness. Thanks...
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