November 27, 2007

Chemistry Will Be Miserable Tomorrow

I've just come to the realization that even after doing all the supplemental reading, all the book reading, and watching the lectures, I will still fail the chemistry test tomorrow. Why is this? Because when I look back at past years' tests I realize that none of my preperation actually helps me with anything that was on the test. None of it. I was unable to answer a single question.

I think my only hope is tonight, to go through every quiz and every practice problem on all the old tests and just hold on. Thank God I got a 92% on my last test because I'll need every single one of those points to buffer what's about to happen.

Here's what I'm up against:

Test from 2005
Test from 2006



  1. This is a beautiful illustration of the identity that 3.091 does NOT equal 5.112. Not even close.

    I don't want to sound overly harsh or anything, but I did want to point something out: before you complain, remember what school we go to. Just because it'll be hard doesn't necessarily mean you'll fail.

  2. I'm thinking that the last post was incorrectly named. THIS should be "Scene from a Horror Movie." Buena suerte.

  3. Anonymous6:52 PM

    At least we won't have this test!

    see 3rd slide

  4. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Aaaaahhh heck. I tried.

  5. Anonymous10:35 AM

    the guy writes '8' in a funny manner!!!

  6. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I'm commenting on your blog from the TEAL computers!

    3.091 kinda sucks. But it's ok cus it's P/NR!!!


  7. and i have the same idea as yuki 2 minutes later... lol.

    it sucked pretty bad, not gonna lie. but yeah, its P/NR so play more mario galaxy

  8. Ok I don't know if the first comment psoted bt I'm gonna try again because I'm stubborn like that.

    yaaaay teal. just kidding.

  9. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Glad to see TEAL is such an effective class and that the computers are put to good use.
