August 19, 2010

Unfortunately, the people who need to see this won't

The controversy over the mosque in NYC is driving me insane. The fact that "Americans" are suppressing another religion's right to practice is mind boggling. America was founded to escape religious persecution and to set up a new nation where people could be free to worship how they chose.

That's why the country was founded, the only reason. We are here because we wanted to worship how we chose. Does anybody else see an issue with anti-islamic sentiments and trying to prevent churches for other religions being constructed?

Keith Olbermann is a man to be listened to.


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Ugggh. I can understand people feeling uncomfortable. What I don't understand is why people think their feelings should rule the United States of America instead of logic and law.

  2. Hi Michael. I used to be a devoted reader of the MIT blogs, even after I matriculated at another college, particularly because I loved reading your blogs. (I'm also in the class of 2011.) Today, I was reading Popular Science and when I saw that the MIT Toy Lab was one of the "mind-blowing college labs," I knew you'd be mentioned, even before I read the article. I was so excited, I think I drew some attention to myself from the people sitting around me. So I just wanted to say, "Awesome!" Interestingly enough, this is not the first time I recognized a name in PopSci because of the MIT blogs.

    Best of luck to you in all you do and have a great senior year.

  3. Hey Snively, are you ever going to update your blog? I rather miss your entertaining entires over at the MIT blog. It's such a pity that you left.

  4. I completely agree with you Snively...
