July 22, 2008

Donations? What?

As you may have noticed, there is a new button on my sidebar. It's big, yellow, says "Donate" on it, and has a bunch of little credit cards underneath it. This magical button gives you the opportunity to transfer funds directly from your bank account to mine. No, this is not just a random attempt to become filthy rich, there's actually a reason behind this.

I went to blue man group on Saturday and was listening to my iPod on the way there. I met a friend there, we went in, and I put my headphones away (therefore, the iPod was still in my pocket). After the show I stuffed my crepe paper headband (free headbands for everybody in the audience, woo hoo!) into my pocket and left the theater. About 30 minutes later I dug into my pocket to get my iPod and check my e-mail. . . it wasn't there. I checked all of my pockets and my backpack, no iPod. I backtracked in my mind and knew that I had it when I went into blue man. I thought back to putting my headband into my pocket and realized that I didn't feel my iPod when I did that. It must have fallen out of my pocket during the show.

I called the theater twice asking if they'd found it and telling them where I was sitting and they never found it. Bye bye iPod, gone forever. It was an 8 gigabyte iPod touch and I just can't bring myself to spend paycheck money on something I lost, so I'm doing two things:

1) Donation button on blog
2) Sell random crap on ebay

I don't have any of my auctions up yet, but I'll post them if I do. Is there anything in particular that you guys would like me to sell? Keep in mind, I can nab random MIT souvenirs for you (little baggies with grass from Killian Court, a copy of the Tech, Chapel moat water, etc). I'll have a thermometer on the sidebar keeping track of how much I've raised.

We can do it guys! I just need your help, donate today!


  1. First!!!! =P (Imitating Admissions blog comments)... But seriously, first to donate!!! =D Very cool... Good luck Snively!!!

    P.S. I suggest you sell all kinds of MIT stuff you can get for free, cause the prospectives will really go for it all. ;)

  2. michael. you know who i am. i have told you, about this ten minutes off project. i am not about to donate, because i am a teenager and i don't have paypal, neither my parents. what i ask from you.we need ( the team of this project) someone over 18, who we can trust to make an e-banking account, so we can transfer money. i thought that you might be interested in this. if you accept this offer, please e-mail me, or talk to me with AIM

  3. That sucks. I hate losing things and it's been happening way too much lately.

    I would be interested in something more useful, like textbooks you may have for freshman classes that you know they still use....

  4. I'm just going to have to speak for the rest of the floor when I say "Oh snively..." haha

  5. Hahah, I'm gonna second the "Oh, Snively..."
    Sucks that you lost the ipod, but this is just too funny. Way to use your influence as an admissions blogger for your own benefit :p And selling grass from Killian court? Wow. I would maybe buy a textbook though...

  6. @Tamara

    Actually, I'm keeping this completely separate from admissions. Obviously the blogs share a certain reader base but I'm never putting this on admissions and I'm not going to use admissions to help me.

  7. Ya mike!
    I think thats a good idea buy more text books and then sell them for double or even triple the price on ebay heck ill even buy one

  8. @ Snively
    Yeah, I’m kidding about that, didn't mean to offend you. It’s more the “real live MIT student!!!” thing anyways ;)

  9. Poor Snively!!! They're so mean to you!!! ;P

    And still so low on the thermometer :S

    I will find ways to help you. Like I said; the ticket and camera are yours to sell if you want them (although I', not sure I can carry the camera at this point, but I'll try)
