September 15, 2007

The Blue Line

How many of you use spell check? That's right, all of you do, and if you don't then you need to go buy a computer, because everybody with a computer uses it. Unfortunately, spell-check has its limitation. For instance, take the following sentence:

"I want to bee the vary best."

No spelling errors, eh? Unfortunately, in programs like Microsoft Word, something like this won't appear underlined in red as is typical with most misspelled words. Instead it will remain in your paper all the way to your teacher's desk. Microsoft Word 2007 works to remedy this, though, and I'm very impressed by it! Check out what MS Word 2007 does if I type that sentence into it:

It underlines misplaced homophones in blue! Am I the only one excited by this?!


  1. lol no you're not, well I don't care about the spelling correction (sorry) but I do care about the fact that technology is getting better. change simple things first, and you will make a great change later !

  2. Or you could, you know, learn to spell.

  3. hehe, your motto I judge you when you use poor grammar thing ? I can't believe they have a facebook group! snively, the mistake you showed us (bee vary) you didn't actually put it in your paper right ?

  4. Anonymous6:20 PM

    That actually is quite amazing =)

  5. Anonymous8:04 PM


  6. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Well I, for one, can’t spell to save my life, so spellcheck is basically my best friend. I’m pretty good at editing though, but the “blue line” definitely saves me for words such as whether / weather, which I admit I still haven’t figured out. So, no Snively, you are not the only one incredibly impressed by this. And Isshak, I agree about the whole progression of technology thing as well, it is pretty impressive.

  7. I think a bigger development (and one that is just as useful in this kind of situation) was the green line, for grammatical errors. =)

  8. Hey I just noticed, you're all talking about blue line, and green line, but in the french text editor (Word, or something else), it's just a basic red line for eveything.

  9. Ah by the way Snively that's your real name ? Sorry I thought that was a nickname (the blame goes to J K Rowling I guess). Lol you look more like a Snively ? What does that mean.

  10. Anonymous4:30 PM

    The problem with the green line is that it oftentimes picks out errors that aren't really errors. So that's got a ways to go. But I'm glad you're all vary excited two discuss the roll of homophones in today's digital age.

  11. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Good one, Harrison. Nice additon with 'roll.' Anyway, the blue line is pretty thrilling...the more safeguards against typos, the better, I suppose.
