August 14, 2007

Short Blogging Hiatus

I leave for MIT on Saturday, August 18th. Between now and then I have all sorts of things planned with all sorts of people in all sorts of places. Most extend into the evening, allowing me almost no time to blog. Instead of trying to make time for sub-par entries, I've decided to take a 4 day hiatus. I know, shocking, but you really wouldn't want to read the entries that worked their way onto the internet.

So, my next entry will come to you courtesy of the free Wi-Fi at the airport in Portland. Those moments will be among my last in the state of Oregon until Christmas.

Until then, blog readers, adieu, I'll blog at ya soon!


  1. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Ahh, the goodbyes. I leave the day after you do. Have fun =P

  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Life's a solitary game, Michael. And only the lonely can play.

  3. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Hey Snively,

    So I don't think I've ever commented on your blog (maybe once...), but I've been reading it for a while. Basically I'm applying to MIT this year and I'm super nervous.

    I think it was you that was talking about your MIT application, and how you worked really hard to tie it all together. Well that’s something that I’m assuming is very important in an application, and I have no idea how to do it. I'm starting to think about my essays and what 5 activities I want to write about, and my biggest problem is that it all seems so random... like it’s who I am, but at the same time my interests are just all over the place.

    I never did anything in high school because it "will look good on a college application", but I did do a lot of things just because it seemed cool at time and I just fell in love. Because of that, my extracurriculars don't really tie together so well, and even though I get why I love them all, I have a hard time explaining it to others. I feel that whoever is reading my application is going to think I just joined every club or activity that I thought would look good on a resume. I really don't know how to tie it all together to explain who I am...

    Anyways, I was wondering if you could give me any advice on how you did it. I know everyone is different, and this is something that I’ll really have to figure out on my own, but for you, how did you connect everything? Did it come naturally, or did you work to incorporate everything? Any advice for a terrified MIT ’12 hopeful?

    And by the way, HAVE FUN AT MIT THIS YEAR!!! You are so lucky to be going in just a couple of days – make the most out of the experience, it’ll be awesome!


  4. Anonymous11:06 AM

    @ Star

    Go ahead and send your e-mail address to [mylastname]@[thatcollegeI'mgoingto].edu and I'll send you some stuff, it should be helpful!

  5. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Wow, thanks for getting back to me so fast! Email sent.

  6. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Best of luck, and some cheap advice:
    Don't let your classes interfere with your education.

  7. Anonymous6:48 PM

    A hiatus? How dare you?!? :)

  8. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Miss ya already.
